Sahil Shembekar

Welcome to my page

My first Blog post

Posted on 06 March, 2021 / 1 min read

Hello world! Welcome to my blog.

It feels amazing to write this blog and deploy it without any issues😃. I have been working on this websiteg for quite a long time. Honestly, I have had no prior experience of web development, probably that's the reason it took so long. However, I am glad that its out there!

The main reason behind the development of this website/blog was to have a space which I can truly call as my own, where I can share my thoughts, things that I like, my experiences, and most importantly my learnings. Also, I wanted the design and layout to be simple, minimal and elegant. I hope to make improvements as I go ahead.

I plan to share some moments of my life here and I hope you all will enjoy reading them.😺

That's all for this blog. Thank you for dropping in!👋